Masz pytania?

Dla państwa wygody przygotowaliśmy odpowiedzi na najczęściej zadawane pytania.

Pacjent domowy

Specialist Clinics

We have a wide range of specialist clinics where specialists with many years of experience are waiting for you.

Electronic Prescriptions

Patients registered with NZOZ Twój Lekarz have the option of ordering prescriptions for medications recorded in their medical records that they take on a regular basis.

Working hours

We are at your disposal, depending on location, from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m.

Sunday - closed

Frequently Asked Questions

W naszej przychodni uruchomiliśmy rejestrację online na wizyty prywatne oraz do lekarza podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej (POZ). Rejestracja dostępna jest pod adresem:

Medical care with reimbursement from the National Health Fund
and commercial services

Primary health care




Our partners