Przychodnie "Twój Lekarz" zapraszają.
Bez długich kolejek, stresu i zbędnych formalności Pacjentem NZOZ Twój Lekarz zostajesz w chwili zgłoszenia się do rejestracji. Możesz korzystać z komercyjnych usług medycznych, albo złożyć deklarację i mieć dostęp do podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej refundowanej przez NFZ.
Specialist Clinics
We have a wide range of specialist clinics where specialists with many years of experience are waiting for you.
Electronic Prescriptions
Patients registered with NZOZ Twój Lekarz have the option of ordering prescriptions for medications recorded in their medical records that they take on a regular basis.
Working hours
We are at your disposal, depending on location, from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m.
Sunday - closed
Zapraszamy do naszych przychodni w gminie Kobierzyce i na południu Wrocławia.
The clinic in Kobierzyce at Witosa Street 5 provides primary health care services for children and adults. Specialists from various fields are on site, and patients can also use the OPHTHALMOLOGY AND LASER THERAPY CENTER and the REHABILITATION WORKSHOP.
A clinic liked by patients, located in a complex of educational and cultural facilities at Przystankowa Street 2, well-connected and with a large parking lot. On-site, you can use basic health care and specialist clinics.
Bielany Wrocławskie
The clinic in the center of Bielany Wrocławskie at ul. Wrocławska 24A/1 provides specialist care for children and adults. There are a dozen or so specialists in various fields of medicine on site, and patients can also use diagnostic tests. There is also an ultrasound lab.
Tyniec Mały
Clinic at Zdrowa Street 2, with convenient access and parking. On-site, you can use basic health care for children and adults, as well as selected specialist consultations.
Pustkow Wilczkowski
A small facility located at ul. Wrocławska 2 in the center of the town. Patients can use basic health care for children and adults.
Pustkow Żurawski
A small clinic located at Kolejowa Street 42. Patients have access to primary care physicians who treat children and adults, as well as specialists.
Wroclaw - Partynice - Victorious
Zwycięska 41 to placówka, w której przyjmują lekarze pierwszego kontaktu, pediatrzy oraz specjaliści
medycyny rodzinnej. Pacjenci mogą tu także korzystać z kilkunastu poradni specjalistycznych.
Przychodnia dysponuje sprzętem do ultrasonografii, endoskopii laryngologicznej, diagnostyki
ophthalmological and spirometry.
Wroclaw - Screams
There are two NZOZ Twój Lekarz clinics available to patients here. The facility at ul. Skarbowców 121/123 offers primary health care (PHC) services for children and adults, as well as a collection point. The clinic at ul. Krzycka 89B offers primary health care (PHC) services for healthy children.
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Wroclaw Fabryczna - Toadstool
Wrocławska przychodnia przy ul. Gagarina 110 oferuje usługi z zakresu podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej (POZ) dla dzieci i dorosłych. Na miejscu można skorzystać także z wybranych poradni specjalistycznych i punktu pobrań.
Wroclaw Fabryczna - Popowice
The Port Popowice Clinic at ul. Popowicka 67 offers primary health care (PHC) services for children and adults. On-site, you can also use the Healthy Children Clinic and selected specialist clinics.
Wroclaw - Jagodno
Patients have access to two NZOZ Twój Lekarz clinics here. The facility at ul. Buforowa 69 offers primary health care (PHC) services for children and adults. There are also specialist clinics on site. The clinic at ul. Drabika 74 offers primary health care (PHC) services for healthy children.
Wroclaw - Dog Field
The Promenady Wrocławskie clinic at ul. Zakładowa 11E/1 offers primary health care (PHC) services for children and adults. On-site, you can also use selected specialist clinics and a collection point.
Medical care with reimbursement from the National Health Fund
and commercial services
Primary health care
Our partners
Who we are
In our work, we are guided by the idea of a family doctor who provides the patient with comprehensive care at all times, not only when they are ill. Our mission is to take care of the health of residents on a daily basis. We provide health education and promote prevention.
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