Przychodnia "Twój Lekarz" przy ul.Zdrowej 2 w Tyńcu Małym zaprasza.
Bez długich kolejek, stresu i zbędnych formalności Pacjentem NZOZ Twój Lekarz zostajesz w chwili zgłoszenia się do rejestracji. Możesz korzystać z komercyjnych usług medycznych, albo złożyć deklarację i mieć dostęp do podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej refundowanej przez NFZ.
Primary Health Care
Our clinic is staffed by primary care physicians, pediatricians, internists, and family medicine specialists. By becoming a patient of NZOZ "Twój Lekarz" you join the group of people who are "well cared for" and can use all of our network's facilities.
Przychodnia w Tyńcu Małym zapewnia usługi z zakresu podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej (POZ) dla dzieci i dorosłych. Na miejscu znajduję się punkt pobrań materiałów do badań.
Office Hours and Address of the Clinic
We are at your disposal from Monday down Friday in the hours from 8:00 do 14:30.
Your Doctor Ltd.
ul. Zdrowa 2
55-040 Tyniec Mały
Get to know us from the inside
NZOZ Your Doctor is a team of professionals from various fields of medicine providing holistic care for adults and children. Health care is the most important goal of our work. We know how important it is to have quick access to doctors and diagnostic tests.
Medical care with reimbursement from the National Health Fund
and commercial services
Primary health care
Noble Health
Healthcare is more than just medical consultations, tests and treatments. It is the daily care that our team provides to patients who come for help. A hotline, online registration, notifications about upcoming appointments and, above all, friendly staff in a modern clinic - these are the standards that apply in NZOZ Your Doctor.
Our partners
Who we are
In our work, we are guided by the idea of a family doctor who provides the patient with comprehensive care at all times, not only when they are ill. Our mission is to take care of the health of residents on a daily basis. We provide health education and promote prevention.
Copyright © Wrocław 2021 NZOZ Your Doctor Sp. z o. o. All Rights Reserved.